We are proud to offer collectible commemorative merchandise celebrating the Kiwanis International Rose Float over the years. Available items from previous years include Pins, Ornaments, and Banner Patches.
For the 2024 Parade year, we will be offering an ornament, pin, banner patch, challenge coin, and refrigerator magnet. For those joining us in Irwindale, merchandise will be available for purchase at the Phoenix Decorating site during the last week of December.
Many previous years have sold out, but we do have limited inventory of the ornaments pictured below.
2021-22 Dream to Achieve2020 Soaring With Hope2019 Helping Children Rock Their Future2018 Racing to Serve Children2016 Children…Our Treasure2015 100 Years Serving Children2014 Bridging Children’s Dreams2012 Winter Wonderland
Kiwanis Rose Float Commemorative Merchandise
We are proud to offer collectible commemorative merchandise celebrating the Kiwanis International Rose Float over the years. Available items from previous years include Pins, Ornaments, and Banner Patches.
For the 2024 Parade year, we will be offering an ornament, pin, banner patch, challenge coin, and refrigerator magnet. For those joining us in Irwindale, merchandise will be available for purchase at the Phoenix Decorating site during the last week of December.
CLICK HERE to visit our online shopping portal.
Many previous years have sold out, but we do have limited inventory of the ornaments pictured below.
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